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OSA Celebrate Honorary Fellows


Aberystwyth Old Students’ Association was represented by Vice President Julie Finch at an event welcoming the 2022 Honorary Fellows recipients, held on 29th September 2021 via Zoom. This event welcomed the 10 new Honorary Fellows-elect who will receive their Fellowships at graduation in 2022.

Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Treasure gave an engaging summary of University life and developments during, and emerging from, the Global Pandemic. There were also contributions from Dr Berit Bliesemann de Guevaraxy (Dept. International Politics) and Colin McInnes (Pro Vice-Chancellor- Research, Knowledge Exchange and Innovation) which highlighted some of the new projects at the University as well as some of the challenges that have been faced by the University when funding for both research and overseas studentships was cut back in 2020/2021. We also heard from Prof. Darrell Abernethy, Head of the new Aberystwyth School of Veterinary Science. A tribute was also given to Lord Elystan Morgan, alumnus of the University and eminent Welsh politician who passed away in July.

The OSA greatly looks forward to joining graduating students, university staff and the new honorary fellows at the graduation ceremonies during 2022, which will be being held for the first time in 3 years, and will include an opportunity for all students not able to attend a ceremony due to the pandemic to return for their celebrations.

For more information about those receiving honorary fellowships in 2022, click here.

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