Alongside the other milestone anniversaries of the university's 150th and OSA's 130th, this year we have also been marking 120 years of the Law Department at Aberystwyth University.
Two events were held to celebrate the oldest Law Department in Wales, which has seen over 9,000 students from nearly one hundred countries pass through it's doors since it opened in 1901.
On Saturday May 7th, OSA President Lauren Marks joined university staff, executives, students, alumni, political figures and notable figures from the field of Law and Criminology to celebrate the special occasion at a dinner held at the Old Bailey in London. The Old Bailey is the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales and a very prestigious venue to celebrate Aber Uni's history and impact on Law and Criminology in Wales. A highlight of the evening was hearing guest speaker the Rt Hon Lord David Lloyd-Jones FLSW, who is also an Honorary Fellow of Aberystwyth University.
On Friday 10th June, OSA Cardiff Branch President Kay Powell joined over 150 attendees including prominent figures, alumni, former staff, current staff, and students at a dinner held at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum of Wales in Cardiff. The event was hugely successful and included the Rt Hon Lady Justice Nicola Davies DBE as guest speaker.
Both Lauren and Kay were proud to represent the OSA at these important events and enjoyed meeting and reuniting with old friends and colleagues, meeting students, staff and alumni, hearing about the history and impact of the Department, and enjoyed the stories shared by the guest speakers.
All photo credit Aberystwyth University 2022.
